Náðu í appið

Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio

F. 17. nóvember 1958
Lombard, Illinois, Bandaríkin
Þekkt fyrir: Leik

Hæsta einkunn: Scarface IMDb 8.3
Lægsta einkunn: Consenting Adults IMDb 5.7


Titill Ár Hlutverk Einkunn Box Office
The Russell Girl 2008 Gayle Russell IMDb 6.6 -
The Perfect Storm 2000 Linda Greenlaw IMDb 6.5 $325.756.637
Limbo 1999 Donna De Angelo IMDb 7 $1.997.807
Two Bits 1995 Luisa Spirito IMDb 6.1 -
White Sands 1992 Lane Bodine IMDb 6 $9.011.574
Consenting Adults 1992 Priscilla Parker IMDb 5.7 $21.591.728
Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves 1991 Marian IMDb 6.9 -
The Abyss 1989 Lindsey Brigman IMDb 7.5 -
The Color of Money 1986 Carmen IMDb 7 $52.293.982
Mussolini: The Untold Story 1985 IMDb 6.9 -
Scarface 1983 Gina IMDb 8.3 $66.023.329