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Jay Baruchel

Þekktur fyrir : Leik

Jonathan Adam Saunders Baruchel (fæddur 9. apríl 1982) er kanadískur leikari. Hann hefur átt farsælan feril í gamanmyndum og hefur komið fram í sýningarsölum eins og Million Dollar Baby, Knocked Up, Tropic Thunder og How to Train Your Dragon kvikmyndaseríunum, auk kvikmyndanna She's Out of My League, The Trotsky, The Art of the Steal, Robocop (2014), This is the End og... Lesa meira

Hæsta einkunn: Million Dollar Baby IMDb 8.1
Lægsta einkunn: Lovesick IMDb 4.8


Titill Ár Hlutverk Einkunn Box Office
BlackBerry 2023 Mike Lazaridis IMDb 7.3 -
The Moodys 2019 Sean Moody Jr. IMDb 6.9 -
How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World 2018 Hiccup (rödd) IMDb 7.4 $517.526.875
Goon: Last of the Enforcers 2017 Pat IMDb 5.8 -
Lovesick 2016 Mark Adam Jones IMDb 4.8 -
How to Train your Dragon 2 2014 Hiccup (rödd) IMDb 7.8 $621.537.500
RoboCop 2014 Pope IMDb 6.1 $242.688.965
This Is the End 2013 Jay Baruchel IMDb 6.6 -
The Art of the Steal 2013 Francie IMDb 6.3 $64.065
Cosmopolis 2012 Shiner IMDb 5.1 $6.063.556
Goon 2011 Pat IMDb 6.8 $6.483.963
The Sorcerer's Apprentice 2010 Dave Stutler IMDb 6.1 -
She's Out of My League 2010 Kirk Kettner IMDb 6.4 -
How to Train Your Dragon 2010 Hiccup (rödd) IMDb 8.1 -
Night at the Museum 2 2009 Sailor Joey Motorola IMDb 6 -
Fanboys 2008 Windows IMDb 6.5 -
Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist 2008 Tal IMDb 6.6 -
Tropic Thunder 2008 Kevin Sandusky IMDb 7.1 -
Knocked Up 2007 Jay IMDb 6.9 -
Fetching Cody 2005 Art IMDb 6.5 -
Million Dollar Baby 2004 Danger Barch IMDb 8.1 -
Nemesis Game 2003 Jeremy Curran IMDb 5.3 -
Almost Famous 2000 Vic Munoz IMDb 7.9 $47.386.287
Who Gets the House? 1999 Jonathan IMDb 4.9 -
The Odd Couple 1970 Harry IMDb 6.6 -