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Brad Pitt

F. 18. desember 1963
Shawnee, Oklahoma, Bandaríkin
Þekktur fyrir : Leik

William Bradley Pitt (fæddur desember 18, 1963) er bandarískur leikari og kvikmyndaframleiðandi. Hann hefur hlotið ýmsar viðurkenningar, þar á meðal Óskarsverðlaun, bresku kvikmyndaverðlaunaverðlaunin og tvö Golden Globe-verðlaun fyrir leik sinn, auk annarra Óskarsverðlauna, annarra bresku kvikmyndaverðlauna, þriðju Golden Globe-verðlaunanna og Primetime Emmy-verðlaunin... Lesa meira

Hæsta einkunn: Fight Club IMDb 8.8
Lægsta einkunn: Cutting Class IMDb 4.6


Titill Ár Hlutverk Einkunn Box Office
F1 2025 Sonny Hayes IMDb -
Wolfs 2024 Nick IMDb 6.5 -
Babylon 2022 Jack Conrad IMDb 7.1 -
Bullet Train 2022 Ladybug IMDb 7.3 $196.832.558
The Lost City 2022 Jack Trainer IMDb 6.1 $190.000.000
Ad Astra 2019 Roy McBride IMDb 6.5 $132.807.427
Once Upon a Time ... in Hollywood 2019 Cliff Booth IMDb 7.6 $374.251.247
Deadpool 2 2018 Vanisher IMDb 7.6 $786.365.638
World War Z 2 2017 Gerry Lane IMDb -
Allied 2016 Max Vatan IMDb 7.1 $119.520.023
The Big Short 2015 Ben Rickert IMDb 7.8 $133.346.506
By the Sea 2015 Roland IMDb 5.3 $3.727.746
Fury 2014 IMDb 7.6 $211.817.906
12 Years a Slave 2013 Samuel Bass IMDb 8.1 $187.000.000
The Counselor 2013 Westray IMDb 5.4 $71.009.334
World War Z 2013 Gerry Lane IMDb 7 -
Killing Them Softly 2012 Jackie Cogan IMDb 6.2 $37.930.465
Happy Feet 2 2011 Will (rödd) IMDb 5.8 -
Moneyball 2011 Billy Beane IMDb 7.6 -
The Tree of Life 2011 IMDb 6.8 -
Megamind 2010 Metro Man (rödd) IMDb 7.3 -
Inglourious Basterds 2009 LT. Aldo Raine IMDb 8.4 -
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button 2008 Benjamin Button IMDb 7.8 -
Burn After Reading 2008 Chad Feldheimer IMDb 7 -
The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford 2007 Jesse James IMDb 7.5 -
Ocean's Thirteen 2007 Rusty Ryan IMDb 6.9 $311.312.624
Babel 2006 Richard Jones IMDb 7.5 -
Mr. and Mrs. Smith 2005 John Smith IMDb 6.5 $487.287.646
Ocean's Twelve 2004 Rusty Ryan IMDb 6.5 -
Troy 2004 Achilles IMDb 7.3 -
Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas 2003 Sinbad (rödd) IMDb 6.7 -
Confessions of a Dangerous Mind 2002 Bachelor Brad IMDb 7 -
Spy Game 2001 Tom Bishop IMDb 7.1 $143.049.560
Ocean's Eleven 2001 Rusty Ryan IMDb 7.7 -
The Mexican 2001 Jerry Welbach IMDb 6.1 -
Snatch 2000 IMDb 8.2 $83.557.872
Fight Club 1999 Tyler Durden IMDb 8.8 -
Meet Joe Black 1998 Joe Black IMDb 7.2 -
Seven Years in Tibet 1997 Heinrich Harrer IMDb 7.1 -
The Devil's Own 1997 Francis Austin McGuire / Rory Devaney IMDb 6.2 $140.807.547
Sleepers 1996 Michael Sullivan IMDb 7.5 -
Twelve Monkeys 1995 Jeffrey Goines IMDb 8 -
Se7en 1995 Mills IMDb 8.6 $327.311.859
Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles 1994 Louis IMDb 7.5 -
Legends of the Fall 1994 Tristan Ludlow IMDb 7.5 $160.638.883
The Favor 1994 Elliott Fowler IMDb 5.2 $3.134.081
True Romance 1993 Floyd IMDb 7.9 -
Kalifornia 1993 Early Grayce IMDb 6.7 $2.395.231
Cool World 1992 Detective Frank Harris IMDb 4.8 $14.110.589
A River Runs Through It 1992 Paul Maclean IMDb 7.2 $43.440.294
Thelma and Louise 1991 J.D. IMDb 7.6 $45.361.000
Across the Tracks 1991 Joe Maloney IMDb 5.7 -
Johnny Suede 1991 Johnny Suede IMDb 5.8 -
Happy Together 1989 Brian IMDb 5.9 -
Cutting Class 1989 Dwight Ingalls IMDb 4.6 -
The Dark Side of the Sun 1988 Rick IMDb 5.3 -
No Way Out 1987 Party Guest IMDb 7.1 $35.509.515
No Man's Land 1987 Waiter (uncredited) IMDb 6.1 -