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Gemma Arterton

Þekkt fyrir: Leik

Enska leikkonan Gemma Arterton vann sitt fyrsta atvinnuhlutverk á meðan hún var enn í leiklistarskóla, í BBC sjónvarpsleikritinu Capturing Mary sem Stephen Poliakoff skrifaði og leikstýrði. Arterton lék frumraun sína á sviði sem Rosaline í uppsetningu Shakespeare's Globe Theatre á Love's Labour's Lost í júlí 2007 áður en hún útskrifaðist síðar sama ár.... Lesa meira

Hæsta einkunn: The Boat That Rocked IMDb 7.3
Lægsta einkunn: Runner Runner IMDb 5.6


Titill Ár Hlutverk Einkunn Box Office
Magnús hinn magnaði 2022 Peaches (rödd) IMDb 6.2 -
The King's Man 2021 Polly IMDb 6.3 $125.928.656
Summerland 2020 Alice IMDb 7 $504.296
How to Build a Girl 2019 Maria Von Trapp IMDb 6 -
Murder Mystery 2019 Grace Ballard IMDb 6.1 -
The Girl with All the Gifts 2016 Helen Justineau IMDb 6.6 -
100 Streets 2016 Emily IMDb 5.8 -
Their Finest 2016 Catrin Cole IMDb 6.8 $3.603.484
The History of Love 2016 Alma Mereminski IMDb 6.3 -
The Voices 2014 Fiona IMDb 6.3 -
Runner Runner 2013 Rebecca Shafran IMDb 5.6 $62.616.646
Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters 2013 Gretel IMDb 6.1 -
Byzantium 2012 Clara Webb IMDb 6.5 $89.237
Song for Marion 2012 Elizabeth IMDb 6.9 -
Sammy's Adventures 2010 Shelly (rödd) IMDb 6 $71.594.792
Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time 2010 Tamina IMDb 6.5 -
Clash of the Titans 2010 Io IMDb 5.8 $493.214.993
Tamara Drewe 2010 Tamara Drewe IMDb 6.2 $11.910.695
The Boat That Rocked 2009 Desiree IMDb 7.3 -
The Disappearance of Alice Creed 2009 Alice Creed IMDb 6.7 -
RocknRolla 2008 June IMDb 7.2 -
Quantum of Solace 2008 Strawberry Fields IMDb 6.5 -