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David Thewlis

Þekktur fyrir : Leik

David Wheeler (fæddur 20. mars 1963), betur þekktur sem David Thewlis, er enskur leikari, leikstjóri, handritshöfundur og rithöfundur.

Thewlis vakti athygli þegar hann lék í kvikmyndinni Naked (1993), en fyrir hana vann hann kvikmyndahátíðina í Cannes sem besti leikari. Vinsælustu hlutverk hans í viðskiptalegum tilgangi hafa verið Remus Lupin í Harry Potter-myndinni... Lesa meira

Hæsta einkunn: The Big Lebowski IMDb 8.1
Lægsta einkunn: Basic Instinct 2 IMDb 4.4


Titill Ár Hlutverk Einkunn Box Office
Magnús hinn magnaði 2022 Boss Man / Rat King (rödd) IMDb 6.2 -
Avatar: The Way of Water 2022 IMDb 7.5 -
Enola Holmes 2 2022 Grail IMDb 6.8 -
I'm Thinking of Ending Things 2020 Father IMDb 6.5 -
Eternal Beauty 2019 Mike IMDb 6.3 -
The Mercy 2018 Rodney Hallworth IMDb 6 $4.536.348
Justice League 2017 Ares IMDb 6 -
Wonder Woman 2017 Sir Patrick / Ares IMDb 7.3 -
Anomalisa 2016 Michael Stone (rödd) IMDb 7.2 $5.659.286
The Conjuring 2 2015 IMDb 7.3 $320.392.818
Legend 2015 Leslie Payne IMDb 6.9 $42.972.994
Macbeth 2015 Duncan IMDb 6.6 $16.322.067
Desierto 2015 Michael Stone (rödd) IMDb 7.2 $5.659.286
The Theory of Everything 2014 Dennis Sciama IMDb 7.7 $123.726.688
The Fifth Estate 2013 Nick Davies IMDb 6.2 $8.555.008
Red 2 2013 The Frog IMDb 6.6 $148.100.000
The Zero Theorem 2013 Joby IMDb 6 $770.706
The Lady 2011 Michael Aris IMDb 7 $3.759.582
War Horse 2011 Lyons IMDb 7.2 $177.584.879
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 2011 Remus Lupin IMDb 8.1 -
Anonymous 2011 William Cecil IMDb 6.8 $15.395.087
London Boulevard 2010 Jordan IMDb 6.2 -
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 2010 Remus Lupin IMDb 7.7 -
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince 2009 Remus Lupin IMDb 7.6 -
Veronika Decides to Die 2009 Dr. Blake IMDb 6.3 -
The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas 2008 Father IMDb 7.7 -
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix 2007 Remus Lupin IMDb 7.5 -
The Omen 2006 Keith Jennings IMDb 5.5 -
Basic Instinct 2 2006 Roy Washburn IMDb 4.4 -
The New World 2005 Wingfield IMDb 6.7 -
The Kingdom of Heaven 2005 Hospitaler IMDb 7.3 -
Kingdom of Heaven: Director's Cut 2005 IMDb 0 -
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban 2004 Remus Lupin IMDb 7.9 -
Timeline 2003 Robert Doniger IMDb 5.6 -
Divorcing Jack 1998 Dan Starkey IMDb 6.7 -
The Big Lebowski 1998 Knox Harrington IMDb 8.1 -
Seven Years in Tibet 1997 Peter Aufschnaiter IMDb 7.1 -
DragonHeart 1996 King Einon IMDb 6.4 $115.267.375
The Island of Dr. Moreau 1996 Douglas IMDb 4.6 -
James and the Giant Peach 1996 Earthworm (rödd) IMDb 6.7 -
Restoration 1995 John Pearce IMDb 6.6 -
Black Beauty 1994 Jerry Barker IMDb 6.6 -
Naked 1993 Johnny IMDb 7.7 -
The Trial 1993 Franz IMDb 6 -
Life is Sweet 1990 IMDb 7.4 -