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Gil Bellows

Þekktur fyrir : Leik

Hæsta einkunn: The Shawshank Redemption IMDb 9.3
Lægsta einkunn: Run This Town IMDb 4.5


Titill Ár Hlutverk Einkunn Box Office
Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark 2019 Chief Turner IMDb 6.2 $95.438.172
Run This Town 2019 Detective Lowey IMDb 4.5 -
Life on the Line 2016 Pok Chop IMDb 5.2 -
The Calling 2014 Detective Ray Green IMDb 5.9 -
Kill the Messenger 2014 DEA Agent Miller IMDb 6.9 -
Parkland 2013 David Powers IMDb 6.4 $1.412.181
House at the End of the Street 2012 Officer Bill Weaver IMDb 5.5 $44.287.131
The Samaritan 2012 Bartender Bill IMDb 5.6 $2.521
Girl Walks Into a Bar 2011 Emmit IMDb 5.6 -
Unthinkable 2010 Agent Vincent IMDb 7 -
Hunt to Kill 2010 Banks IMDb 5.1 -
The Promotion 2008 Mitch IMDb 5.6 -
24: Redemption 2008 Frank Tramell IMDb 7.4 -
The Weather Man 2005 Don IMDb 6.6 $36.976.336
Judas Kiss 1998 Lizard Browning IMDb 6.1 -
Witch Way Love 1997 Michael IMDb 5.1 -
The Shawshank Redemption 1994 Tommy IMDb 9.3 -