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Ed Harris

F. 28. nóvember 1950
Englewood, New Jersey, Bandaríkin
Þekktur fyrir : Leik

Ed Harris er bandarískur sviðs-, kvikmynda- og sjónvarpsleikari, rithöfundur, framleiðandi og leikstjóri, þekktastur fyrir að leika aukapersónur í kvikmyndum eins og "Apollo 13", "A Beautiful Mind" og "The Truman Show", auk mörg endurtekin og aðalhlutverk í sjónvarpsþáttum, þar á meðal túlkun The Man in Black í HBO "Westworld". Hann er með BFA í leiklist frá... Lesa meira

Hæsta einkunn: A Beautiful Mind IMDb 8.2
Lægsta einkunn: Cymbeline IMDb 3.7


Titill Ár Hlutverk Einkunn Box Office
Love Lies Bleeding 2024 Lou Sr. IMDb 6.6 -
Downtown Owl 2023 Horace Jones IMDb 4.9 -
Top Gun: Maverick 2022 Radm. Chester "Hammer" Cain IMDb 8.2 $1.425.604.744
The Lost Daughter 2021 Lyle IMDb 6.7 $14.521
Resistance 2020 George S. Patton IMDb 6.5 $288.064
The Last Full Measure 2019 Ray Mott IMDb 6.8 -
The Last Full Measure 2019 Ray Mott IMDb 6.8 -
Geostorm 2017 U.S. Secretary of State Leonard Dekkom IMDb 5.3 $221.600.160
Mother! 2017 Man IMDb 6.6 $44.516.999
Rules Don´t Apply 2016 Mr. Bransford IMDb 5.7 $3.885.342
Run All Night 2015 Shawn Maguire IMDb 6.6 $71.561.644
The Adderall Diaries 2015 Neil Elliott IMDb 5.1 $13.191
Flugvélar: Björgunarsveitin 2014 Blade Ranger (rödd) IMDb 5.9 $151.165.787
Cymbeline 2014 Cymbeline IMDb 3.7 -
Gravity 2013 Mission Control (rödd) IMDb 7.7 $723.192.705
Pain and Gain 2013 Ed DuBois IMDb 6.4 $87.305.549
Phantom 2013 Demi IMDb 5.9 $1.034.589
Snowpiercer 2013 Minister Wilford IMDb 7.1 $86.758.912
The Face of Love 2013 Garret Mathis / Tom Young IMDb 6.2 $350.006
Man on a Ledge 2012 David Englander IMDb 6.6 $46.221.189
That's What I Am 2011 Mr. Simon IMDb 7 -
The Way Back 2010 Mr. Smith IMDb 7.3 -
Virginia 2010 Sheriff Dick Tipton IMDb 5.4 $6.915
Appaloosa 2008 Virgil Cole IMDb 6.7 -
National Treasure: Book of Secrets 2007 Mitch Wilkinson IMDb 6.5 -
Gone Baby Gone 2007 Sgt. Det. Remy Bressant IMDb 7.6 -
Cleaner 2007 Eddie Lorenzo IMDb 6.1 $5.796.630
A History of Violence 2005 Carl Fogarty IMDb 7.4 -
Winter Passing 2005 Don Holden IMDb 6.2 -
The Human Stain 2003 Lester Farley IMDb 6.2 $24.900.000
Radio 2003 Coach Jones IMDb 6.9 -
The Hours 2002 Richard Brown IMDb 7.5 -
A Beautiful Mind 2001 William Parcher IMDb 8.2 -
Enemy at the Gates 2001 Major König IMDb 7.5 $96.976.270
Buffalo Soldiers 2001 Colonel Berman IMDb 6.7 -
Pollock 2000 Jackson Pollock IMDb 7 -
The Third Miracle 1999 Frank Shore IMDb 6.5 -
Stepmom 1998 Luke Harrison IMDb 6.8 $159.710.793
The Truman Show 1998 Christof IMDb 8.2 $264.118.201
Absolute Power 1997 Seth Frank IMDb 6.7 $50.068.310
The Rock 1996 Brigadier General Francis X. Hummel, USMC IMDb 7.4 -
Eye for an Eye 1996 Mack McCann IMDb 6.2 $26.877.589
Apollo 13 1995 Gene Kranz IMDb 7.7 $355.237.933
Just Cause 1995 Blair Sullivan IMDb 6.4 -
Nixon 1995 E. Howard Hunt IMDb 7.1 -
Nixon: Director's Cut 1995 IMDb 0 -
Milk Money 1994 Tom Wheeler IMDb 5.6 $18.137.661
China Moon 1994 Kyle Bodine IMDb 6.3 $16.549.477
Needful Things 1993 Sheriff Alan J. Pangborn IMDb 6.3 -
The Firm 1993 Wayne Tarrance IMDb 6.9 $270.248.367
Glengarry Glen Ross 1992 Dave Moss IMDb 7.7 -
State of Grace 1990 Frankie IMDb 7.2 -
The Abyss 1989 IMDb 7.5 -
Jacknife 1989 IMDb 6.4 $97.768
To Kill a Priest 1988 Stefan IMDb 6.1 -
Walker 1987 William Walker IMDb 6.6 $257.043
Code Name: Emerald 1985 Gus Lang IMDb 5.9 -
Alamo Bay 1985 Shang IMDb 6.1 -
Sweet Dreams 1985 Charlie Dick IMDb 7 -
Swing Shift 1984 Jack Walsh IMDb 5.9 -
Places in the Heart 1984 Wayne Lomax IMDb 7.4 -
A Flash of Green 1984 Jimmy Wing IMDb 6.6 -
The Right Stuff 1983 John Glenn IMDb 7.8 -
Under Fire 1983 Oates IMDb 7 -
Creepshow 1982 IMDb 6.8 -
Knightriders 1981 Billy IMDb 6.3 -